
    Results: 16

  • Academic Counseling (2)

    Academic Counseling


    Programs that assist students in selecting a course of studies that is suited to their abilities, interests, future plans and general circumstances.
  • Adult Basic Education (2)

    Adult Basic Education


    Programs, usually offered by community adult schools or as evening classes at local high schools, that provide instruction in fundamental learning skills for adults who have never attended school or have interrupted formal schooling and need to raise their level of education to increase their self-confidence and/or prepare for an occupation. Emphasis is placed on basic reading, language and mathematics to strengthen functional skills in communication, computation and personal-social interaction.
  • Adult High School Diploma Programs (2)

    Adult High School Diploma Programs


    Programs that offer a series of courses that are especially designed for adults who have not completed their high school education which focus on life skills necessary for personal and job success. The instructional components in the program include reading, writing, listening, speaking, mathematics, participatory democracy and consumer awareness as well as health, home, personal and family relationships, academic and/or vocational specializations and advanced studies. Individuals who successfully complete the program receive a high school diploma.
  • Adult Literacy Programs (9)

    Adult Literacy Programs


    Programs that provide reading and writing instruction for adults who are unable to read or write at a functional level, with the objective of ensuring that they have the skills necessary to find and keep decent jobs, support their children's education and participate actively in civic life. Some programs interpret literacy more broadly and also help people develop speaking, computation (numeracy/mathematics) and problem solving skills.
  • Alternative Education (2)

    Alternative Education


    Educational programs at all levels within or outside the formal education system that provide innovative and flexible instruction, curriculums, grading systems, learning environments or degree requirements, a return to traditional educational values, or other alternatives to the ordinary system of instruction.
  • Citizenship Education (4)

    Citizenship Education


    Programs that prepare individuals to take the oath of U.S. citizenship and to exercise the attendant rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Citizenship courses help immigrants develop an understanding of and appreciation for American culture, institutions and ideals; and focus on important events in U.S. history, the Constitution and its historic background, and the organization, powers and duties of federal, state and local governments.
  • Continuing Education (1)

    Continuing Education


    Programs, usually offered as adjuncts to community college, college or university programs, that provide credit-granting and/or noncredit courses for adults who are seeking specific learning experiences on a part-time or short-term basis for personal enrichment, academic or occupational development after they have left the formal education system. The main purpose of continuing education is to improve upon skills that adults already have.
  • Dropout Prevention (4)

    Dropout Prevention


    Programs that develop educational strategies and practices, including special instructional methods and materials, learning activities and diagnostic and assessment procedures which encourage children and adolescents to maintain an acceptable grade point average, avoid excessive absenteeism or disruptive behaviors which put them at risk for suspension or expulsion and remain in school through completion their elementary and secondary education. Included are school-based dropout prevention and academic intervention programs which lead to improved performance in the areas of academic achievement, attendance, and discipline; and community based programs, often staffed by representatives from a variety of organizations including the school, the police, the probation department, family counseling agencies and delinquency diversion agencies, which monitor and/or investigate a young person's school attendance and jointly develop and implement interventions which encourage the young person to remain in school or to return to school if already a dropout.
  • English as a Second Language (15)

    English as a Second Language


    Programs that offer opportunities for non-English-speaking and limited-English-speaking adults to learn listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with an emphasis on developing the level of communication competence that is essential for adults who are living in a setting in which English is the primary language. Also included are programs that provide English language instruction for younger people.
  • Family Literacy Programs (3)

    Family Literacy Programs


    Programs offered by libraries, local literacy councils and other organizations that provide reading, writing and mathematics instruction which targets both parents and children. Included are Even Start programs, federally-funded intergenerational literacy programs for low-income families with children age eight or younger which integrate early childhood education, adult basic education/literacy programs, ESL, GED, and parenting education with the objective of breaking the cycle of poverty and illiteracy and providing both adults and children with essential life skills. The programs build on existing resources; focus on family/parent literacy, parenting skills and child development; and combine the efforts of a variety of local organizations including Head Start programs, libraries, literacy councils, local educational agencies, institutions of higher education and other public and nonprofit entities. Support services may include transportation, child care, nutrition assistance, meals, health care and referrals for employment services, mental health services, substance abuse and other identified needs.
  • GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction (14)

    GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction


    Programs that provide instruction for adults and eligible minors who have elected to take a series of tests which measure the extent to which they have gained the knowledge, skills and understanding ordinarily acquired through a high school education. Instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics. Individuals who pass the tests receive a high school equivalency certificate.
  • Homework Help Programs (13)

    Homework Help Programs


    Programs that answer specific questions regarding grammar, mathematics or other areas of study or help students with homework assignments. Included are telephone hotlines, online assistance and in-person programs offered by the school following regularly scheduled classes or by community centers, libraries or other similar types of organizations.
  • Public Libraries (36)

    Public Libraries


    Libraries supported by public and/or private funds which provide general library services without charge to all residents of a given community, district or region.
  • School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs (1)

    School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs


    Programs, usually available within the regular high school curriculum, that provide opportunities for pregnant teens and teenage students who are parents to complete their high school education and receive diplomas. Classes which focus on child development, infant care, mother/infant nutrition and childbirth preparation are available in addition to the basic graduation requirements and academic electives. Students who are enrolled in the program may also receive nutritionally balanced meals (breakfast and lunch), prenatal care, family planning and counseling services.
  • Students (1)



    Individuals who are enrolled in classes or courses of study in schools, colleges or universities. Included are students in the formal education system (preschool through university and beyond) as well as adults who are receiving instruction in basic academic skills, supplementing their previous education or training or exploring new interests.
  • Tutoring Services (1)

    Tutoring Services


    Programs that provide supplemental instruction for students who are having difficulty with their coursework or who want to get more out of their regular educational program.